Thursday, December 3, 2009

Version of the embedded opends config store

Opensso comes with its very own bundles opends inside, which acts as config store, and can also double as user store for POCs.
NOTE: Using the embedded opends as user store in production environment is not supported

Today , I ran into a requirement where I had to find the version of the opends in one of the installs
This can be achieved using ldapsearch.
  • ldapsearch -h -p 53389 -D"cn=directory manager" -w ****** -b "cn=Version,cn=monitor" -s base ""
    version: 1
    dn: cn=Version,cn=monitor
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
    revisionNumber: 5097
    shortName: OpenDS
    compactVersion: OpenDS-1.0.2-build002
    pointVersion: 2
    cn: Version
    buildID: 20090317124610Z
    majorVersion: 1
    productName: OpenDS Directory Server
    minorVersion: 0
    fullVersion: OpenDS Directory Server 1.0.2-build002
    buildNumber: 2

  • ldapsearch -h -p 53389 -D"cn=directory manager" -w ****** -b "" -s base "" vendorVersion
    version: 1
    vendorVersion: OpenDS Directory Server 1.0.2-build002

Friday, November 13, 2009

Incorrect AVA format

Got this error when trying to create a keystore.

c:\3960\glassfish\domains\domain1\config>keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore a
mkeystore.jks -validity 365 -alias "fam8" -dname ",
ou=identity,,L=santa clara, ST=CA, C=US"
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
keytool error: Incorrect AVA format

Which was because, i had incorrect dname
Should be "

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Some not-so-coomon ssoadm examples

ssoadm command line utility that comes with OpenSSO is indeed a very handy little piece of tool
Here are few examples for some not so common usages of ssoadm, which I learnt and want to share

1) Here was a request to the users alias "does someone know the ssoadm command to change signature algorithm for saml2 assertion ( typically to choose RSA-SHA256 ) ? ( corresponding to the gui for the admin console in Configuration/Global/federation/Signature ) "

You should be able to use "ssoadm set-attr-defs" to set the signature algorithm and "ssoadm get-attr-defs" to see the updated value.

./ssoadm set-attr-defs -s sunFAMFederationCommon -t Global -u amadmin -f /usr/tmp/pass -a "SignatureAlgorithm="
bash-3.00# ./ssoadm get-attr-defs -s sunFAMFederationCommon -t Global -u amadmin -f /usr/tmp/pass
(Thanks Charles)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

del del del..unwanted mails..bites me back

There were series of mails from our IT department warning us about servers being decommissioned. But first I postponed the needed, then forgot, and then ignored the FINAL WARNING.
What happens...
My lack of action bit me back and my solaris box was unusable

Having grown up with windows machines, unix is something I am still getting used to.
So I was so scaared of what happens

But it turns out that, the IT team had done a pretty good document which guided us step by step.
And in course I also learnt a couple of new things

- ypwhich - gives the NIS server the machine is currently using
-- you can also try "ypwhich another-machine-on-nw"

- /etc/resolv.conf - Defines which naming server to use
Eg - nameserver, where is the ip address of the naming server used

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"No more processes" in solaris machine

Another new error
Product deployment failed in solaris with error some jre lib exception
Googling said I had to increase the number of processes in os level in /etc/system
But even vi failed with "no more processes"
So had to reboot and issue gone!!

First time i saw this.. should remember

Friday, July 24, 2009

Opensso configuration failure - case 2 - UnsupportedClassVersionError

The upcoming express build, build 8 ( as well as the available nightly's) now support only jdk6 at the opensso server container.

This is the exception you see when configuring with jdk5

Opensso configuration fails

--> Configuration fails at
Checking configuration directory /export/isqa/SJSWS/opensso-8080....Success.
Installing OpenSSO configuration store...Success RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padd
Installing OpenSSO configuration store in /export/isqa/SJSWS/opensso-8080/opends
Creating OpenSSO suffix...Success.
Tag swapping schema files....Success.
Loading Schema opends_config_schema.ldif...Success.
Loading Schema opends_user_schema.ldif...Success.
Loading Schema opends_embinit.ldif...Success.
Loading Schema opends_user_index.ldif...Success.
Loading Schema opends_plugin.ldif...Success.
Reinitializing system properties.AMSetupServlet.processRequest: errorcom.sun.ide AdminTokenAction: FATAL ERROR: Ca
nnot obtain Application SSO token.
Check for the following properties
at Method)
at Method)
at com.sun.identity.setup.AMSetupServlet.reInitConfigProperties(AMSetupS

--> {config dir}/opensso/debug/Configuration shows
amSMS:07/21/2009 02:20:35:953 PM PDT: Thread[service-j2ee-5,5,main]
ERROR: SMSObjectDB: Unable to get amsdkbasedn:

Got LDAPServiceException code=19

The lower level exception message
Connection to the server could not be established
The lower level exception:
com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.LDAPException: Connection to the server could not b
e established (-1)

--> /opends/logs dont report any exception

--> Container logs says "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: PWC1651: Class com.sun.identity.idsvcs.I
dentityServicesImpl has unsupported major or minor version numbers, which are gr
eater than those found in the Java Runtime Environment version 1.5.0_15

So this is the culprit - JDK container is using is - 1.5.0_15

Upgrade container jdk to jdk6 and reconfigure

Other configuration Issues:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Opensso deployment issue in geronimo 2.1.4

The opensso nightly builds dont deploy on geronimo 2.1.4

This is due to a the way the webservices-tools.jar is bundled.

rwxr-xr-x 0 26-Sep-2008 13:19:20 1.0/
drwxr-xr-x 0 26-Sep-2008 13:19:22 1.0/META-INF/
-rw-r--r-- 656 28-Mar-2005 12:23:02 1.0/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
drwxr-xr-x 0 26-Sep-2008 13:19:22 1.0/META-INF/services/
-rw-r--r-- 164 28-Mar-2005 12:22:14 1.0/META-INF/services/
-rw-r--r-- 44 2-Nov-2002 16:15:24 1.0/META-INF/services/org.relaxng.datatype.DatatypeLibraryFactory
drwxr-xr-x 0 28-Mar-2005 12:20:58 1.0/com/
drwxr-xr-x 0 26-Sep-2008 13:19:20 1.0/com/sun/
drwxr-xr-x 0 26-Sep-2008 13:19:22 1.0/com/sun/codemodel/
-rw-r--r-- 287 28-Mar-2005 12:20:36 1.0/com/sun/codemodel/CodeWriter.class
-rw-r--r-- 1179 28-Feb-2008 18:49:50 com/sun/codemodel/CodeWriter.class

Because of the 1.0 in the package structure.

Geronimo issue opened for this is -

Opensso issue opened to document this is -

NOTE : opensso works fine on geronimo 2.1.1

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Building your own OpenSSO ? Heres how you can quickly test it

I guess not many members of the OpenSSO community are aware of the testing framework inbuilt in the product. This article will help you to understand how you can use this feature to quickly validate your OpenSSO build.

Where is the framework?
It is called qatest and in available under opensso, when you check out the cvs source code.

What is the framework?
It is a pure java based testing framework built using open source tools like testng,ant,jetty

Which aspect of the framework is covered in this article?
Sanity tests all the core features of OpenSSO product. Helps avoiding basic regressions.

How to use it?
What I am covering in this article, is how to quickly sanity test a opensso build.
There is some setup required, gathering all the required jars, as this is not shipped with the product. But the results are worth this effort.
Other than this, with minimalist changes required, you get all the key features of opensso tested.

1) From Opensso - opensso.war, Deploy the war on a supported container. You dont have to configure it.
2) Ant version 1.7.1 or above
3) Gathering the required jars. Place the following jars /qatest/lib folder.
-- openssoclientsdk.jar,opensso-sharedlib.jar corresponding to the build you are testing
-- testng-5.10beta-jdk15.jar,mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar,javaee.jar,jsse.jar,saaj-api.jar,saaj-impl.jar,servlet.jar,webservices-rt.jar
-- Create a folder
/qatest/lib/jetty and copy the jetty jars here
-- Create a folder /qatest/lib/htmlunit and copy the htmlunit1.1.4 jars here
-- Create a folder /qatest/lib/xacml and copy the jaxb-impl.jar jaxb-libs.jar
jars here
Click below for a diagrammatic representation of all the lib

4) Go to
5) Copy the file, and create a .properties file.
6) Edit the file for details matching the setup you planned.
Eg:Below is my file,stripped of comments, which I used to run the sanity tests in my laptop.

Now what?
You are done.
/qatest, fire the tests.

ant -lib lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar -DSERVER_NAME1=myserver run

If the tests have been executed successfully, the run should finish the following output
[echo] The Automation reports are at <
opensso home dir>/qatest//ldapv3/sanity

You can see the reports at this location.

Sample reports -

Monday, July 20, 2009

Opensso - Using in memory notification for Config store

If your opensso instance uses a remote config store, you can improve the performance using the alternative in-memory notification for Config Store.
If this property
then Opensso makes use of a persistent ldap connection to listen to the event notifications.
Disabling Datastore notification
Step 1) Go the page
Configuration -> Servers & Sites -> Server Instancce -> SDK

Step 2) Restart the container

Step 3) Check the sun one directory server logs/opensso debug logs.(Assuming that the debug level is set to message)
Sample messages are pasted below

1) This is from DS access logs
No psearch after disabling the datastore notification

[20/Jul/2009:14:40:26 -0700] conn=0 op=1 msgId=191 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:14:40:37 -0700] conn=5 op=1 msgId=252 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:15:14:18 -0700] conn=16 op=1 msgId=210 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:15:14:54 -0700] conn=22 op=1 msgId=19 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent

NOTE: Server was resatrted at amSMS:07/20/2009 03:16:34:931 PM PDT: Thread[main,5,main]

2) Configuration debug file

amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:717 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.getListenerList(): In realm mode or config time, SMS listener is set to datastore notification flag: false
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.getListenerList() - all listeners are disabled, EventService won't start
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.resetAllSearches(): All psearches have been disabled
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.removeListener(): Removing listener requestID: 19 Listener:
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:21:221 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.resetAllSearches(): Psearch disabled:
amSMSEvent:07/20/2009 03:15:21:221 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
SMSNotificationManager.init deregistering for notification with:

Friday, July 17, 2009

Opensso/cli ssoadm - The version of your server instance is: null

Cli ssoadm setup ends with exception
-bash-3.00$ ./setup
Path to config files of OpenSSO server (example: /opensso):/home/etggfish/opensso
Debug Directory:/home/etggfish/opensso/opensso/debug
Log Directory:/home/etggfish/opensso/opensso/log
The scripts are properly setup under directory: /local/0/sw/openssotools/opensso
Debug directory is /home/etggfish/opensso/opensso/debug.
Log directory is /home/etggfish/opensso/opensso/log.
The version of this is: Enterprise 8.0 Build 6(2008-October-31 09:07)
The version of your server instance is: null

1) Check the in the server.
Thanks to Gang for the following script to set the property to the right value
You can run this script to fix null version

$SSOADM_PATH/ssoadm update-server-cfg -s default -a '' -u amadmin -f $PWF -O
SERVER=`$SSOADM_PATH/ssoadm list-servers -u amadmin -f $PWF -O`
for SVR in $SERVER
$SSOADM_PATH/ssoadm remove-server-cfg -s $SVR -a '' -u amadmin -f $PWF -O

2) Also check if the attribute is present in the Config DS.
Else you can add it using Configuration -> Servers & Sites -> Default Server Instance -> attribute

Mysterious cron failures

One of the constant challenges that I face daily is why a particular cron didnt run.
Though I have the script spitting all the output to a output file, sometimes even that doesnt happen / or not enough
And given that we have a matrix of machines spanning over a breadth of the different OS's, I break my head often.

So this should come handy 
--> The most common thing is to associate a email account to the user running the cron so that you can monitor the email. But sometimes it is not possible, so in that case just type "mail" and the last(hopefully, though sometimes it the last mail you had read) mail is displayed which should help you.

--> Look at /var/cron/log or /var/adm/messages - (This hasnt helped me much, though)

--> Check if all the files the script uses has fully qualified domain names in case the files are in a central nfs location

--> One stupid problem once I faced was that the dir where I echo the script didnt have write permissions for the user running the cron and hence failed..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Opensso configuration failure - Not enough space on opends logs

Checking configuration directory /export/qatest/TOMCAT/opensso-18080....Success.
Installing OpenSSO configuration store...Success RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding.
Configuration failed!
[16/Jul/2009:13:30:46 -0700] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847402 msg=The database backend userRoot containing 0 entries has started
[16/Jul/2009:13:30:50 -0700] category=CONFIG severity=SEVERE_ERROR msgID=3407988 msg=An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class org.opends.server.backends.TrustStoreBackend with the information in configuration entry ds-cfg-backend-id=ads-truststore,cn=Backends,cn=config: Error while attempting to generate a self-signed certificate ads-certificate in the trust store file config/ads-truststore: KeyStoreException(Cannot run program "/usr/dist/share/java,v1.6.0_05/5.x-i86pc/jre/bin/keytool": error=12, Not enough space) ( ...). This backend will be disabled

-->Check /tmp and swap space
--> Also use a local java so that the tmp dir is set to local /tmp
--> Check if there are any hanging processed for the containers. In one instance, since the servers are configured using scripts, there were few orphan processes consuming all the memory

Why This Blog

Every day there is a new challenge..
But on many days there is a known challenge..
I know I have dealt with it before.. But what exactly I did, that sample code snippet eludes and I spend valuable minutes searching throught endless emails and documents finding what I need

So trying to minimise this humangous waste of efforsts, I am creating this blog....
May be some one else might also find it useful......

Good luck to me...