Checking configuration directory /export/qatest/TOMCAT/opensso-18080....Success.
Installing OpenSSO configuration store...Success RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding.
Configuration failed!
[16/Jul/2009:13:30:46 -0700] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847402 msg=The database backend userRoot containing 0 entries has started
[16/Jul/2009:13:30:50 -0700] category=CONFIG severity=SEVERE_ERROR msgID=3407988 msg=An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class org.opends.server.backends.TrustStoreBackend with the information in configuration entry ds-cfg-backend-id=ads-truststore,cn=Backends,cn=config: Error while attempting to generate a self-signed certificate ads-certificate in the trust store file config/ads-truststore: KeyStoreException(Cannot run program "/usr/dist/share/java,v1.6.0_05/5.x-i86pc/jre/bin/keytool": error=12, Not enough space) (TrustStoreBackend.java:1897 TrustStoreBackend.java:359 BackendConfigManager.java:1298 BackendConfigManager.java:279 DirectoryServer.java:2555 DirectoryServer.java:1358 EmbeddedUtils.java:89 EmbeddedOpenDS.java:264 EmbeddedOpenDS.java:199 AMSetupServlet.java:559 AMSetupServlet.java:615 AMSetupServlet.java:691 AMSetupServlet.java:398 AMSetupServlet.java:342 HttpServlet.java:637 HttpServlet.java:717 ApplicationFilterChain.java:290 ApplicationFilterChain.java:206 AMSetupFilter.java:99 ApplicationFilterChain.java:235 ApplicationFilterChain.java:206 ...). This backend will be disabled
-->Check /tmp and swap space
--> Also use a local java so that the tmp dir is set to local /tmp
--> Check if there are any hanging processed for the containers. In one instance, since the servers are configured using scripts, there were few orphan processes consuming all the memory
Sometimes you get this error messages, if you don't have enough free memory left to spawn a new java process (for openDS) with the same heap size configured for the container. So, reduce your jvm heap size and run the config again.