If your opensso instance uses a remote config store, you can improve the performance using the alternative in-memory notification for Config Store.
If this property com.sun.identity.sm.enableDataStoreNotification=true
then Opensso makes use of a persistent ldap connection to listen to the event notifications.
Disabling Datastore notification
Step 1) Go the page
Configuration -> Servers & Sites -> Server Instancce -> SDK
Step 2) Restart the container
Step 3) Check the sun one directory server logs/opensso debug logs.(Assuming that the debug level is set to message)
Sample messages are pasted below
1) This is from DS access logs
No psearch after disabling the datastore notification
[20/Jul/2009:14:40:26 -0700] conn=0 op=1 msgId=191 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:14:40:37 -0700] conn=5 op=1 msgId=252 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:15:14:18 -0700] conn=16 op=1 msgId=210 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
[20/Jul/2009:15:14:54 -0700] conn=22 op=1 msgId=19 - SRCH base="dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net" scope=2 filter="(|(objectClass=sunService)(objectClass=sunServiceComponent))" attrs="objectClass" options=persistent
NOTE: Server was resatrted at amSMS:07/20/2009 03:16:34:931 PM PDT: Thread[main,5,main]
2) Configuration debug file
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:717 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.getListenerList(): In realm mode or config time, SMS listener is set to datastore notification flag: false
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.getListenerList() - all listeners are disabled, EventService won't start
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.resetAllSearches(): All psearches have been disabled
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:20:718 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.removeListener(): Removing listener requestID: 19 Listener: com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.LDAPEventManager@160c21a
amEventService:07/20/2009 03:15:21:221 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
EventService.resetAllSearches(): Psearch disabled: com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.LDAPEventManager
amSMSEvent:07/20/2009 03:15:21:221 PM PDT: Thread[smIdmThreadPool,5,main]
SMSNotificationManager.init deregistering for notification with: com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.SMSLdapObject